Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Creating Structure

In class yesterday we were discussing creating structures in our business and coaching practices. It is funny how I reacted to structure as a good thing, a necessary thing as long as it is flexible and changeable.

That actually surprised me a little because in many areas of my life I have avoided structure preferring to be free to change direction with any whim that came along. It is not that I did not adhere to structure it is just that I did it grudgingly. I though it was against my free spirited nature.

It is now that I understand that it is sometimes in the framework of a positive structure that we can explore our freedom in a way that may not have been possible before. Not only am I free to be a good coach but the client can feel secure within the framework to go places they may not have gone. They understand what to expect and so do I.

As I create and recreate structure in my own business it is with the aim of fostering the best possible coach and client relationship.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Power of Acknowledgement

It was in a class the other day when I was reminded of what a powerful tool acknowledgement is. I have always felt that I notice, appreciate and am aware of all the incredible things achieved by others but even though I am taking note of it in my has not always translated to a verbal acknowledgement to the client.

Part of the reason is because in my own upbringing acknowledgement was not something we were familiar with. Our parents expected we would know what to do and just do it. Case closed.
So for me acknowledgement is a muscle that needs to be exercised and developed. I have seen first hand in my adult life as well as my coaching practice what a powerful tool it is and the results it can bring.
Therefore I am more than willing to do the work.